Custom delivery date

Hi everyone,

I’d like to let my clients manually enter their desired delivery date.
Is there a way to add a datepicker (or a textarea at least) below the shipping method list?

Best would be a date picker starting from the next business day.

Here is the website I’m working on:

Thanks !

Hi @victor.muller,

We don’t have a built-in date picker, but this could be achieved using our order custom fields feature.

Essentially, this allows you to add inputs in any Snipcart form. You’ll find details about this in our documentation.

Let me know if that helps,


Hi @Michael

Thanks a lot for your response.
I managed to implement the datepicker correctly.

  1. Is it possible to display the date the user picked in his order confirmation ? (page right after the payment)

  2. I tried to implement a jQery UI Datepicker. But when I click on the field, the calendar popup doesn’t display. Have you ever experienced this issue?

Thanks again !

Edit: Regarding point 2: I just created a post on Webflow’s forum with more details: HERE

if someone is interested, this post solved my issue!

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