Apple Pay Via Stripe

As stripe supports Apple Pay, and snipcart supports stripe.

Is there anyway you can support Apple Pay using stripe?

I have recently created a mobile app, that wraps our Snipcart website in to an app that runs on IOS and android.

Is there anyway shape or form we can get this to work.

DEAR - snipcart team, it’s been years now, I know it probably isn’t an easy task, but getting working with snipcart should be a priority for you from a commercial point of view, this is the golden feature that all your customers want.

We have been using you for 4 years, we love it, but this is the single most important thing snip cart is missing.

Make and announcement, give us some information, will this ever happen?

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100% vote for this, the stripe elements package supports Afterpay, Zip, Google wallet and more.

I know Snipcart had planned to do this but haven’t made much progress, it seems like their dev team has been overwhelmed since their acquisition.

I’ve got open tickets with them about this.
If everyone else raises tickets for improved Stripe integration then maybe this will get some traction!

Yeah I don’t know what they are waiting for. This is a serious disadvantage compared to the competition (Shopify, Woocommerce etc.) because they all support Google/Apple Pay since a long time.

Development team please assist with adding this integration most likely easiest for everyone with Stripe. Just update the Stripe integration and bang you’re back competitive in the market.