i am trying to get my store running with a serverless function. but i always get the same crawling error
Reason: ‘product-crawling-failed’
— Item 1 —
[Item ID] AP002
[Item Unique ID] b355dd53-45bd-4a65-8baa-3dadce61b7be
[Item Name] A Un Passant
[Url] https://frabjous-bienenstitch-01b1bd.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/product?id=AP002
[Status] NotFound
[Price in cart] 25
[Crawled prices] []
[Details] We have not been able to find item with id ‘AP002’ at ‘https://frabjous-bienenstitch-01b1bd.netlify.app/.netlify/functions/product?id=AP002’. Please make sure the product is correctly defined. We suggest you take a look at this section of our documentation:
{kind: ‘cart-confirmation’, reason: ‘product-crawling-failed’, technicalReason: {…}, data: Array(1), code: ‘snipcart.errors.order_validation.product_crawling’, …}
the function seems to print all the information correctly, i can not copy it in here, since i am only allowed two links…
really lost here, i have been loosing a day on this already…
any help would be most appreciated… thank you in advance, best patrick