Date shipping system

I would like to know if it’s possible to add a date picker or a date calendar in order people choose when then want to receive the product ?
Or, maybe, a system to synchronize with Google Calendar or another solution…


I’ve already answered your email, but in case someone else finds this and wants to add a datepicket as well, here is a code snippet to add to your snipcart-template div (Customization – Snipcart Documentation), will add a shipping date at the end of your billing section:

  <billing section="bottom">
    <fieldset class="snipcart-form__set">
      <div class="snipcart-form__field">
        <snipcart-label class="snipcart__font--tiny" for="company">
          Shipping date

        <snipcart-input name="shippingDate" type="date"></snipcart-input>
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Thanks a lot for that ! It’ works !