Hi guys, how do I make one of the these custom radio buttons checked by default?
<billing section="bottom">
<fieldset class="snipcart-form__set">
<div class="snipcart-form__field">
<h1 class="snipcart-cart-summary__title snipcart__font--subtitle">Delivery or Collection</h1>
<hr class="snipcart-form__separator" />
<snipcart-radio name="deliveryType" value="DeliveryOrder">
I want my order to be deliverd.
<br />
<snipcart-radio name="deliveryType" value="CollectionOrder">
I will collect my order.
Also I was wondering if instead of adding these custom radio buttons to the billing step. Could I add them to the shipping step?
When someone changes which radio button they select I want to force snipcart to call my shipping webhook again so that I can refresh the shipping options that I display to the customer.
Is it possible to do this?