How to change an icon

Hi there,

my coding knowledge is quite low, I’ve integrated Snipcart V1 in the past and I’m a bit lost with the new V3.

I’d like to change the icons from the cart header (the arrow and the bag), remove the arrow in the payment button and change “Sommaire du panier” for “Panier” but I just don’t get how to override components… Been reading your documentation and made lot of tries to follow it for a day but I just don’t get it :confused:

Here’s my test webpage :

Thank you in advance

Hi @vaisseau_terre

I got back to you on the email sent, but I’ll reply here too:

With the new v3 integration method, you need to set the HTML file with the component overrides In your window.SnipcartSettings.

You should add a new parameter called templatesUrl , where you will set a URL to an HTML page with all your customizations.

We have more details about that here:

But for some of those you should be able to customize with CSS, like hiding the arrow in the Payment button.

Let me know if you have further questions about any of those.
