Item count not displaying value


I’m trying to display the number of items in the cart using:

<div class="snipcart-summary-">
  Number of items: <span class="snipcart-total-items"></span>

However the value is not displayed. If I try to display the Total price however, the price is displayed.

Any thought on what the issue/fix might be?

Here’s my code, much is specific to my website, but you can see the snipcart specific classes and ids. This displays the item count on top of (my) cart icon:

        <div class="d-none d-lg-block">       
          <a class="navbar-icon-link dropdown-toggle snipcart-checkout" href="#">
            <svg class="fa-svg-icon menu-icon"><use href="#icon-shopping-cart"></use></svg>
            <div id="cart_color" class="navbar-icon-link-badge bg-secondary"><span id="cart_total_items" class="snipcart-items-count"></span></div>

Preview here, in desktop mode only: