Mollie integration


I am currently trying to connect the mollie payment gateway via snipcart. But mollie doesn’t show up under payments. It shows up as connected in the mollie and Snipcart dashboard. But in the console it logs: Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 422 (Unprocessable Entity) snipcart.js:1:358219

Are there some instructions available?
Thank you!

Hi @ligeiaofulthar, thanks for reaching out.

First, please review your dashboard gateway settings and Mollie profiles, and if you are using the Live API key in your website to go through with the payment.

If all that looks correct, please reach out at so that we can check your account.


Hi @nelitow,

Edit: Found it! Didn’t see that the test profile wasn’t linked to the domain now it works!

Thank you for your response.
So I can’t test the payment gateways with a test api key?

What am I looking for to see if the settings are correct?

Thank you!

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Hey @nelitow

I have the same Problem.
I sent you an Email with my Profil and Dashboard Settings attached as Picture but no one replies.

I connected my Mollie PAyment Gateway in the Snipcart Dachboard.
I changed the Test Domain in the Mollie Profile to my Local Testing enviroment domain via ngrok.
The test order proceed sucessfully but i cant get acces to the Molie Gateway.