Multiple Tracking Numbers [low importance]


I noticed that the shipped order status only supports providing a single tracking number. While I’m sure this is the case for the vast majority of orders, when working with fulfillment companies it isn’t always possible for us to guarantee the customer will only receive a single tracking number – for example, if goods are being shipped from two different warehouses.

I would like to suggest that the ability to input multiple tracking orders, potentially at different times, would be useful to larger/complex sellers.

Currently, I am getting around this limitation by doing three things:

  1. Using the PUT /orders/{token} endpoint to update the order’s tracking number and tracking url with the first set of tracking information that we get.
  2. Using the PUT /orders/{token} endpoint to update the order metadata with all of the additional tracking numbers that we get for the order.
  3. Using the notifications endpoint to alert customers to each new tracking number.