Payment failing with paypal pro

Payments are failing with payment pro after users enter their card info they can the follwoing message

Unable to process payment

Try again later, or contact us for support.

In the console. I get the following:

A ‘system’ error occured in Snipcart.undefined {kind: ‘system’, code: ‘snipcart_error_operation_failed’, message: ‘snipcart_error_operation_failed’, technicalReason: undefined, data: Error: Request to payment service returned an error. Status Code: 400
at n. (https:/…}

Please help. tried everything. thank you

Swithced to stripe in the end. Looks like something isnt supported on the paypal end and would take a lot of work to get working. Needs better integration

Hi @Chris,

Sorry you had this issue. We will look into it. FYI we do plan on improving our Paypal integration in the near future. We will update our integration to use Paypal commerce instead of Paypal Payments pro.

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