Product price has changed since you added to basket / bad request on purchase

Hey there - having a weird one… everything worked fine for ages but having added a new product when get to finalise the order it says. “changes since the product was added to the basket” or just fails with a bad request.

An older product works ok even though the purchase buttons are identical - the only difference is that the product isn/t listed on snipcart. When I try to do a fetch it sayus it was successful but doesn’t grab the new product.

We just released a new single so a bad time to find this!

I noted trying to buy a product that was listed in the inventory I got a too many requests… is there a chance we have too many poeple trying to buy things at once??

Having done a bit more testing I feel there is an issue on the Snipcart side - even using an example button from the docs the fetch won’t pick up the product. :frowning:

Hey, I think that’s where the actual Snipcart support can help you better than the community…

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Oh yeah I know Christian and I have reached out to them also but as it was a really important launch today I wanted to see had any of the community run into issues. My existing products work fine but even using a documentation test button on a page snipcart won’t fetch.

I have several digital products with variations. So far I haven’t had a problem like you described. I will keep an eye on it.
I wish you good sales with your new single, despite the current problems.