How to remove the shipping and taxes message, because it is a personalized digital product, each customer configures his own and on the other hand taxes are included.
Shipping and taxes will be calculated before payment.
How to remove the shipping and taxes message, because it is a personalized digital product, each customer configures his own and on the other hand taxes are included.
Shipping and taxes will be calculated before payment.
Hello Isaac,
Non-shippable Items:
Since your products are digital, you need to mark them as non-shippable. This will remove the shipping step from the checkout process when all items in the cart are classified this way.
Here’s how you can mark products as non-shippable:
Inclusive Taxes:
For taxes included in the product price, ensure that each product’s definition includes data-item-has-taxes-included="true"
. Additionally, in your Snipcart dashboard, you must check the “Included in Price” option under the taxes configuration.
Further guidance on configuring taxes can be found here:
Products – Snipcart Documentation
Taxes – Snipcart Documentation