Shipping methods not updating

Hello, I’m having a really awful time testing the checkout flow of snipcart because no matter what settings I update or change in the shipping panel, I cannot get any shipping options to populate in the cart.

Is there anything I need to do to “refresh” the cart on the backend?

I have tried adding / removing all the shipping options multiple times but no matter what I all I see is the “no shipping options available” error that’s telling me there’s something wrong on the configuration side.

I just found a video on the shipping docs page that shows updating things and having the cart show changes pretty immediately. This is NOT the experience I am having.

Wow feeling really dumb, I had the wrong API key used

Overcame my frustration, took a look at everything with fresh eyes.

Very excited to move forward, hopefully someone else finds this post and made the same mistake

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thank you. I had made the same mistake, and saw your post.