This suddenly started happening when checking out. No clue what it eants:
MAR 30 07:52:17
Payment for order d215d2f2-f386-4219-83a4-1b450ee7e502 has failed, error: Paypal Error #10406 : The PayerID value is invalid.
MAR 30 07:52:17
Payment for order d215d2f2-f386-4219-83a4-1b450ee7e502 has failed, error: Paypal Error #10419 : Express Checkout PayerID is missing.
MAR 30 07:52:17
Impossible to complete PayPal Express Checkout transaction for order ‘d215d2f2-f386-4219-83a4-1b450ee7e502’, error(s): ‘10419: Paypal Error #10419 : Express Checkout PayerID is missing., 10406: Paypal Error #10406 : The PayerID value is invalid.’.