Subscriptions in Snipcart

On the Snipcart Website it says that Snipcart supports Subscriptions, but when I login into the Dashboard and go to Subscriptions page there is a message saying

Beta access for subscriptions is now closed. We appreciate the feedback we collected. No more access to this feature will be granted.

Does this mean Snipcart still does not support Subscriptions?


The feature was released only in Beta so you needed access to be able to add this feature. Now it is closed

This project feels weird and unsafe.

Trust me, they are a good project. Their support system could be better especially for beginners but they are a good project.


I’m also confused by this message. Does this mean that it’s closed for beta or closed for good?

The product is ok (i’d say a solid 6 out of 10). Their beta for V3 Subscriptions lasted forever, now no one knows if and how the feature is going to be implemented in a productive system.
If you’re okay to wait 7+ days for an answer to your support request, you might be OK with Snipcart Support. If not, you should consider other options.

No this is to unsafe for starting a business, I will rather invest in WooCommerce Subscription plugin which gets updates by the official team and build my subscription service with Woo + REST API