Unable to process order to some countries

Hi, i have a very strange situation.
When client reach to stage when he introduced the address and all required details.
he is unable to press Continue to Shipping and this i see only for Spain at the moment.
Also in dashboard country is selected for shipping.
Was working before, never touched this.

Hi there,

In the Regional settings section of the dashboard, is Spain enabled?
Another thing to verify for the Shipping methods: Is there a condition applied to the Spain shipping method?

If everything seems alright on your end, could you provide us with an URL to test?

Hi, yes, from my end everything is fine. Was working for 2 months without any problems.


After visiting your site, I notice that you are using custom templates for the address fields. The main issue here is the province (state) field is missing but is required on our end.

After adding the province field, your checkout flow should work fine! If needed, you can use this section of the documentation as a reference : Customization – Snipcart Documentation
