I’m trying to create a report for canceled and paused subscriptions (v. 2.0) via the API.
I can see the user information related to the cancelations and pauses, but I cannot see custom fields related to the product (where we store the name of the person who ought to be notified of cancelations/renewals/resumes) - e.g. I need the value of “data-item-custom2”
Can you recommend a pathway by which to find this information?
I thought I’d try:
- pull results for canceled
** search each for the invoice id
*** pull the invoice to get an order “number”
**** pull that order to fetch the “customFields” array
…but I’m getting NULL results for the Resources URL https://app.snipcart.com/api/subscriptions/{id}/invoices which is stopping me rather dead in my tracks.
Appreciate your help!