Custom shipping choices : Shipping or Take away


I have a delivery case where products can be available directly physically on some events (think competitions, meetings, conventions…). I need to either :

  1. Let the user enter an adress and get shipped according to regular customs rules. (This already works)
  2. OR let the user select an event from a input instead so he gets no shipping fee applyed and i know where to manage the take away.

My plan would be to trick the current shipping form.

  1. Adding a select field.
  2. Empty the adress form in case the select field is used.

I don’t know if this would work.
Better ideas?
Thank for your help.

Hi @Julien66, thanks for reaching out!

I believe the best option for that would be to use the product-shipping attribute.

With it you could have a selector in the product page where the user would pick either shipping or pickup at a certain event. If all items will be picked at the event, then the shipping step is skipped during checkout.

You could also try our Shipping webhook if a more advanced setup is needed.

With it, you could either list the available shipping methods based on current events for pickup, or if all the products can be purchased at all events, then you could create them as custom shipping methods. If there is more complex logic (only select items are available at event X, some other items are available at event Y), then you would have to use webhooks instead.

Let me know if you have further questions or if you can give more details of the store and products.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

It helps a lot and make a lot of sense.
Thanks for your support.

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