How can I integrate with Shipstation or a similar service

We don’t have any built-in integration with a fulfillment solution such as Shipstation, EasyPost or Shippo yet.

However, it’s possible to leverage our APIs, Webhooks and the service’s APIs to build the integration.

Our Webhooks Shipping API can be used to return shipping methods from the solution of your choice. In your Webhook handler, you can use the service API to retrieve shipping rates, the Webhook content will contain all the information you’ll need, such as shipping address, items, etc.

Once the order is completed, you can then use our order.completed event documented here to create the order by using the service API. Most of them will allow you to do that.

If you want to push the integration even further and use our feature that allows merchants to send tracking number from the dashboard, this can be done programmatically too.

You can start by updating the order and set the trackingNumber and trackingUrl that would be returned by your shipping service. Then, you can add a notification that will automatically be sent to the customer.

Hi @charles,

There seem to be little details available, nor real life examples of Snipcart integration with any of the fulfillment solution you mention here.

Would you be able to point toward such an example or where more detailed information would be available ?


Hi @Pasolint

We have a native integration with EasyPost on the way. Would that work for your use case, or do you need ShipStation?

Hi @nelitow
That would be really great. I’m not married to Shipstation, and for the looks of it EasyPost might actually be even better, I’ll need to dig into it.
When you say “on the way”, what kind of lead times are we talking about ?

Hi @Pasolint

As you can imagine, it can be hard giving a set date for a feature release, but we aim to launch a first integration of EasyPost which will offer more precise automatic shipping rates with the integrated providers that we currently have and full integration in Q3.


Alright, that sounds good.
Hopefully you’ll reach that deadline.


Hi @nelitow

Would you happen to have an update on this?
Is the Easypost integration happening? (can’t wait)


Hi @nelitow @charles,

Could you give an update on the EasyPost integration ? Is this happening in Q3 as mentioned?
I got a new customer really interested in this as EasyPost allows integration with many new carriers and is more EU centric then the others you are currently integrated with.

And it will open up new business opportunities for sure.

I’m guessing it’s delayed based on this post: Is Snipcart still being developed?

I’ve been using Zapier to integrate the Snipcart webhooks with Shipstation. It works well enough for now.

Hi @billywight

Thanks for the feedback. That Duda integration is a pain. I really hope this doesn’t mean the end of Snipcart as a stand alone product…

How did you manage Snipcart with Zapier ? I don’t see Snipcart as a supported app in Zapier…

Oh, you did say Webhooks, all clear

@nelitow @charles
It’s been another year… no new on this?
Snipcart is such a brilliant solution, hopefully you haven’t given up on things outside Duda…